Number of Years Needed for Vaccine Development and Approval: Chart

The process for development and eventual approval of vaccine usually takes years and years. However the vaccines for Covid-19 were developed and approved in surprisingly short amount of time. In less than a year, vaccines for the worst pandemic in modern history was ready for us. The very first vaccine was developed by  BioNTech SE …

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Retirement Ages by Country 2021: Chart

The Retirement Age varies between countries. The general retirement age in the European Union is 65. In Spain, France and Germany the retirement age is set to increase to 67 years from 65 according to an article at The Finnish Center for Pensions. Some countries have different retirement  ages for  men and women. For instance, …

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Sources of Government Revenue Vary Widely Across OECD Countries: Chart

Governments in the OECD countries collect tax revenues that can be grouped into the following categories: Consumption Taxes, Social Insurance Taxes, Individual Taxes, Corporate Taxes, Property Taxes and Other. On an average, Consumption Taxes such as Value-Added Tax (VAT) accounted for one-third of tax revenues in OECD member countries in 2019 according to an article …

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The Top 10 Countries With Covid-19 Deaths Over Time: Animated Chart

The Coronavirus pandemic that started last year has led to the deaths of over 2.6 million worldwide so far according to data by The New York Times. In the US, 528, 692 people have died so far with total cases exceeding 29.2 million. The sad thing is though the virus originated in China, more people …

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