Chinese Banks Continue To Lend Heavily. Is This Good or Bad?

China’s economy experienced tremendous growth in the past few decades primarily due to government spending and not due to private consumption. Much of the state spending was directed towards infrastructure such as roads, railroads, dams, electricity grids, etc. and other large scale projects. An example of such project is the world’s longest sea bridge opened …

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Consumption, Investment Contribution to China’s GDP Growth

Consumer spending accounts for over 70% of the U.S. economy.China on the other hand is not a consumer-driven economy. Despite the tremendous growth in recent years, consumer spending is relatively less in China. Much of the growth reported by China comes from investment spending rather than consumption spending. Source: The Wall Street Journal The chart …

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A Look At China’s Dazzling Economic Growth

China has become the driver of global economic growth for many years now. As a communist country following a “Market Socialism” philosophy China continues to grow despite slowdown in developed economies and other emerging markets. The following is brief overview of few of the statistics on China’s incredible growth. From a recent OECD report: Ten …

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Will the Chinese Housing Bubble Pop Soon?

The real estate market in China has not yet crashed despite being a bubble for many months now. While the Chinese government has had some success in curbing excess speculation in major cities,  developers are finding other places to continue their growth and in the process may create bigger bubbles. A recent article in Bloomberg …

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