Five Chinese State-Owned Companies To Delist from New York Stock Exchange

Five Chinese state-owned companies have announced plans to delist their ADSs from the NYSE. This is another blow for US investors holding these ADSs. Investors have to monitor the developments in the next few days and weeks and take action accordingly. Below is an excerpt from a journal article: Five Chinese state-owned companies said they …

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Sources of China’s Crude Oil, Coal, Liquefied Natural Gas and Pipeline Imports: Chart

Global energy markets are in turmoil since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Crude oil prices especially shot up dramatically only a few days ago but have declined some in the past few days. We can expect the current volatility to continue until the war is over. While the US imports very little from Russia, …

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Didi Global To Delist From New York Stock Exchange

The latest Chinese firm that plans to delist its ADRs from the New York Stock Exchange is the ride-hailing giant Didi Global (DIDI). According to The Wall Street Journal the firm plans to pursue a listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Didi’s delisting has come just a few months after listing on the NYSE on …

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China’s Energy Composition 2011 To 2020: Chart

Coal is still one of the major sources of energy for many countries despite the growth of renewable energy sources. For example, China and India are to of the largest consumers of coal. Rising coal prices in the global market could negatively impact China’s economic growth. Though the country is the world’s largest coal producer, …

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