China Projected To Accumulate More Wealth Than The U.S.

China’s savings rate is one of the largest in the world even in dollar terms. Chinese tend to save a higher proportion of their incomes due to the lack of social safety nets such as healthcare, social security and other state-provided benefits. From a recent IMF report on China: On account of its large annual …

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China – A Dominant Importer of Many Commodities

China’s voracious appetite for commodities continues to grow and the country has become a major force in the global commodities market in recent years. The graphics below shows the change in China’s share of global commodities trade: Click to enlarge   As an export-oriented economy, China is a major importer of a range of commodities …

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Electricity Demand Continues to Grow in China

The demand for electricity continues to grow in China as surging economic growth creates a rising middle-class. With the largest population in the world, naturally the growing number of middle-class Chinese consume more energy. This is especially true with electricity since higher sales of consumer electronics, household appliances increases power demand. In addition to demand …

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Want to Invest in China? Consider These Nine Chinese ADRs

China is one of the most risky places to invest among the major emerging markets. Though the country follows the capitalist form of economic model in the past few decades, communism remains as only the political system in China. This “Market Socialism” form of government works well in some areas such as  providing affordable housing, …

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First Tibetan Company Hong Kong IPO

Tibet 5100 Water Resources Holdings(1115.HK) recently raised HK$1.38 billion ($177 million) from its initial public offering and will become the first Tibetan company to list in Hong Kong. Tibet 5100 sells most of the water it produces to corporate clients like railway operators, airlines, banks and hotels as well as government organisations through long-term contracts. …

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