A Look at China’s Major Trade Partners

Here is a chart showing China’s top trader partners in 2010, the latest year for which data is available: Click to enlarge The U.S. was China’s top trader partner and was also the top export destination for China’s exports.Germany had more trade with China than Australia. China’s Top Export Destinations in 2010:   China’s Top …

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The Dramatic Decline in Investors’ Interest for Chinese Stocks

Until a few years ago Chinese stocks were hot and investors bid up the prices to astronomic levels. Then the party ended and most of these stocks came back to earth. In the U.S.,  most of the Chinese  IPOs that were floated at the peak of the China craze have performed poorly. A few have …

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The Organizational Structure of the Chinese Communist Party

The New York Times published an expose last week on the wealth accumulated by the family of outgoing Chinese Prime minister Wen Jiabao. According to the article, Mr.Wen’s family and relatives control assets worth at least $2.7 billion. Though Mr.Wen comes from an extremely poor family many of his relatives have become very rich. Many other …

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China’s Share of Global Population vs. GDP, Oil Demand and Commodity Demand

The world’s total population was about 6.9 billion in 2011 out of which 1.3 billion people live in China. So about one in five people in the world are Chinese. But China’s population has been declining since the mid 1970s primarily due to the country’s One-Child Policy. According to one estimate, by 2050 India is …

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Three Reasons Why the U.S. is Better Than China

In the second quarter of 2010, the Chinese economy surpassed that of Japan making it the second biggest economy in the world. In the past few years a general belief has developed that China is on its way to become an economic superpower. However the popular notion that China is getting better than the U.S. …

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