Stock Market Performance Under Democratic Socialism vs. Military Dictatorship: The Chilean Experience

The stock market in Chile collapsed when socialist president Allende was elected back in the 1970s but soared when he was overthrown and military dictator Pinochet seized power. Economic growth can be achieved either by the ballot or by the bullet. Or to put it another way democratic means of political system can drive economic …

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Five Stocks to Consider from Chile

The first round of Presidential election was held recently in Chile. The billionaire Conservative Sebastián Piñera won the first round and is due to face the Socialist candidate Alejandro Guillier in the second round on December 17. Mr.Sebastián is likely to win that round as well and become the President of Chile. From an investment point …

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How Copper Shaped Chile’s Economy: Infographic

A few days ago I wrote an article about how commodity prices can strongly impact a country’s equity market performance using the example of Copper and Chile. The importance of copper prices cannot be underestimated for growth of the Chilean economy. The infographic below shows how Copper shaped the Chilean economy: Click to enlarge Source:How …

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Commodity Prices Can Strongly Impact The Performance Of Equity Markets: An Example

Some of the emerging market countries are commodity-based economies. In these countries the price of a single commodity or a few commodities can have a strong impact on the overall performance of the economy and equity markets. This theory can be illustrated by looking at the country of Chile. The Chilean economy is highly dependent on …

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