Sector Breakdown of MCSI AC World vs. MCSI UK Index: Chart

The following chart shows the sector breakdown of MCSI All-Country Index and MCSI UK indices: Click to enlarge Source:Three reasons to diversify in the hunt for equity income, Schroders The biggest difference between the indices is that the IT sector accounts for 19.5% in the MSCI World Index while in the UK the sector is …

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Comparing Dividend Yields Across Regions

Investors looking for income from equities have to look far beyond the US shores for higher yields. This is because dividend yields in the US declined many decades and continue to remain low relative to other developed markets. For example, the current dividend yield on the S&P 500 is 1.90%. But the dividend yields in …

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Total Returns of Selected Global Indices 1998 Thru 2018: Chart

The Total Return(which includes price returns and dividend reinvested) of some of the major indices are shown in the chart below. The US market was the best performer as shown by the S&P 500 in red color. Click to enlarge Source: The future of the FTSE 100, FT Alphaville UK’s FTSE 100 was the second best …

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