The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns 2009 Thru 2018

The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns is published every year by U.S. Global Investors. While The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns shows the returns for various asset classes this table is specific to review the returns of commodities. The latest edition of commodities returns table including the returns for 2018 is shown in the …

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The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns From 1999 to 2018: Chart

Callan has published their latest edition of The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns with data from 1999 thru 2018. The table was first created by Jay Kloepfer and published in 1999. Since then the table has become widely popular as it is an excellent tool to analyze the importance of diversification among various asset classes. Updated: The …

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Asset Class Quilt of Total Returns From 2000 To 2017

Last year was a great year for investors with most global markets soaring by double digit percentages. For instance, the S&P 500 was shot up 22% on total return basis. The MSCI EAFE Index went up even higher with a total return of 26%. The following chart shows the total returns of different asset classes: …

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Commodity Table of Investment Returns 2008 to 2017

Commodity investing is not for everyone. Investors need not hold commodities as an asset class in their porfolios despite what Wall Street promotes them to be. The following chart shows the investment returns for various commodities from 2008 to 2017: Click to enlarge Source: Using commodities as a tactical portfolio diversifier, Proactive Advisor Magazine Commodities are …

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The Upside and Downside of Global Risks in 2019: Infographics

Investors have to brace themselves for plenty of risks in the coming year. From trade wars to real wars(Russia invading Ukraine, for example) and everything in between including further oil price collapse, currency risks, geopolitical risks, never-ending political drama in Western Europe, China collapse, even political risk in the US, etc. will be closely watched …

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