Asset Class Returns Quilt From 2006 To 2020: Chart

Following our theme of reviewing asset class returns over the years and the importance of diversification, the following is another chart showing the annual returns and average returns from 2006 to 2020. Commodities have never been the best performer since 2006. Similarly the best return for emerging equities was all the way back in 2009 …

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Market Leadership Changes From 2001 To 2020: Chart

One of the key factors for success with investing in equities is to distribute one’s assets across many asset classes, sectors and regions. Diversification is the simplest and cheapest way to reduce risk for retail investors. Today’s winners in the market can become tomorrow’s losers. Or to put it another way, a winner in one …

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The Case For Diversification Across Asset Classes: Chart

Diversification is one of the simplest way to achieve success with investing in the equity markets. Diversification works especially in the long run since different assets perform differently even during the same economic conditions. At a global level, emerging markets may have a great due to local and other factors while developed markets may underperform. …

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