IRA Contributions and Deductions Guide for Year 2021: Infographic

The contribution limits for various retirement plan accounts such as Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, etc. for 2021 are shown in the infographic below. In addition, the chart also shows the rules for deductions. As the deadline for tax filing for tax year 2020 approaches soon, this guide is a useful tool to plan for this …

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S&P 500 Calendar Year Returns 1925 To 2020: Chart

Equities are the best asset class to own for building wealth over the long-term. Stocks tend to yield a positive return when held over many years. However this does not mean they go up year after year consistently. Instead over many decades there will be some years where the market shoots higher and some when …

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Notable S&P 500 Drawdown and Recovery Cycles: Chart

The dramatic decline of the S&P 500 last March and the subsequent melt-up is one of the faster recoveries in the history of the index. The benchmark index fell 34% by late March of 2020 only to completely recover all that loss in less than 6 months. Previous drawdowns such as the dot-com bubble crash …

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