Because Every Country is The Most Beautiful at Something: Infographic

A cool infographic showing the countries of the world noted with their best “thing” landed in my inbox recently. The chart compiled by authors at “Information is Beautiful” site ranked countries based on a variety of factors such as health, nature, safety, renewables, etc. Canada for example is top country for most top 100 box …

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The Competitive Advantages of Frontier Markets: Infographic

In the universe of equity markets, the developed world has the most advanced and efficient market. Emerging markets occupy the next place followed by frontier markets. Most major emerging markets are widely followed and get major coverage in the media as well. However frontier markets do not get as much attention since these markets are …

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Bull Markets vs. Bear Markets From 1942 To 2020: Chart

The equity market tend to go higher than lower especially over the long-term. In the short-term measured in months or even a few years the market can be volatile and can decline sometimes when it feels like there is no end in sight for the downward trend. Similarly to the benchmark S&P 500, the Dow …

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Pyramid Distribution of US Equity Total Returns From 1825 To 2020: Chart

The distribution of US equity returns based on total returns from 1825 to 2020 is shown in the chart below. Many studies have proven that over the long-term equities tend to yield a positive return than a negative return. The chart below confirms that as well. The only time US stocks as represented by the …

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