Growth of S&P 500 Thru Crisis and Events from 1970 to 2022: Chart

The US equity market has been one of the best performing markets in the world over the long term. The benchmark S&P 500 has grown steadily through various crises and events from 1970 thru 2022. Based on total returns of the index an investment of $10,000 in 1970 would have risen in value to over …

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Countries That Allow Dual Citizenship: Infographic

Many countries allow dual citizenship allowing people to take advantage of the best of both worlds. For instance one country may offer excellent job opportunities and earning potential while another country may have better climate or social safety net during retirement. The following infographic shows the countries that allow dual citizenship and other details such …

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S&P 500 Annual Real Total Returns from 1822 to 2022: Chart

The US equity market is one of the best in the world in terms of returns. In the past 151 years, the US stock market has produced an average return of 8.4% per year. The following chart shows the annual real total returns from 1822 to 2022: Click to enlarge Source: U.S. Stock Market Returns …

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