The 10 Largest and Most Liquid Brazilian stocks traded in U.S.

Brazil is one of the year-to-date top performing markets among the emerging countries. The infrastructure in Brazil is good and the country is blessed with an incredible array of natural resources. The Dow Jones Brazil Titans 20 ADR Index represents the 20 largest and most liquid Brazilian stocks traded on the major exchanges of the …

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Current State of the Brazilian Economy

Investors have been pouring money into emerging markets this year. Stock market indices in Brazil, Russia, China, India, etc are up over 50% since the March lows. The ishares MSCI Brazil Index ETF (EWZ) is up 57.69% year to-date till the end of last month. In order to  check the current state of the Brazilian …

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Taking the Pulse of Brazil’s Economy

Emerging markets are performing better this year than developed markets.Investors’ appetite for risk has increased and many of the emerging market indices have rebounded nicely this year. One of main developing countries that is attracting investor attention this this year is Brazil. The iShares MSCI Brazil Index Fund (EWZ) ETF is up by 10.45% as …

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Two Brazilian Steel Makers Up 25% Year-To-Date

Two Brazilian steel making companies are already up 25% so far this year.With the first full trading week over, I was researching for the top performing ADRs. The two steel companies kinda stood out because of the rise in stock prices. Commodity prices have fallen tremendously in the past few months and steel was no …

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