The Power of Diversification Illustrated With Australian Equities: Chart

Diversification and patience are two of the free and simple strategies for success with equity investing. Patience requires  not only holding stocks when the market is soaring but also the ability to withstand during dramatic and painful declines. Diversification on the other hand is easier to follow and implement with one’s portfolio. It is always …

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Reminder: Westpac ADR Conversion Deadline Nearing Soon

Australia’s Westpac Banking Corporation’s ADR was delisted from the NYSE and last traded there on Jan 31, 2022. ADR holders have the option of converting them to ordinary shares trading on the US OTC market or on the domestic market in Australia. The deadline to surrender ADRs is June 2, 2022 – less than 2 weeks away. …

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Which Political Party is Best for Australian Stocks?

The federal election in Australia is on Saturday, May 21, 2022.Equity market investors will be closely monitoring the outcome the election. With that said, which politic party is best for stock prices? A recent article by Ashley Owen shows that since the creation of the Federation, right-leaning governments have been better for Australian stock prices than …

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Australia’s Exports Composition Since 1825: Chart

Australia is known as the “Lucky Country” for good reason. It is rich in many natural resources and all one has to do dig them up and export. I came across the following fascinating chart on the Australian export mix in the past two centuries. Gold and Wool dominated exports for much of the 1800s. …

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