The Euro in the World: Infographic

The Euro is the second most important and powerful currency in the world. I had bookmarked the below infographic on the Euro many months ago. The Euro has made life simpler and European economies much efficient. With the introduction of Euro many years ago, no longer one had to worry about converting to various currencies …

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On The Power of Dividends and Compounding Using S&P 500 Returns

Dividends play a critical role in the long-term returns of equities. Stocks that pay dividends are ideal investment vehicles for building wealth over many years or decades. Generally dividend payers tend to raise dividends occasionally if not consistently each year. So dividend yields of even 2% as a starting point can lead to substantial growth …

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Who Imports The Most Russian Oil: Infographic

Russia is one of the world’s major oil producers and exporters. Much of Europe including the economic engine Germany depend on Russian oil. Among the emerging markets China is a major consumer of Russian oil. The following infographic shows additional insights on the dependency of other countries for crude oil from Russia: Click to enlarge …

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The Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in the World 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic showed the critical importance of the global pharmaceutical industry. Unlike other industries, drug companies both large and small swing into action in their quest for the discovery of a covid vaccine. The industry deserves credit for the successful discovery of a vaccine and saving the humanity. With that said, its been a …

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Mercer Periodic Table of Annual Investment Returns for Australian Investors 2012 To 2021

One of the main factors that is important for success with investing in equities is the art of diversification and having patience. Diversification can be achieved in many ways such as spreading over one’s assets over different asset classes, countries, regions, sectors, etc. The benefits of this strategy was widely made popular with the Callan …

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