Developed Markets Stock Returns 2008 to 2022:Chart

I posted a chart on the updated Emerging Markets Returns chart earlier this year. The following is the Developed Markets Stock Returns from 2008 to 2022. The returns shown are total returns and are based on MSCI indices for the countries listed. Last Portugal was the only developed market index to end in the positive. …

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The Periodic Table of Commodities Returns 2022: Chart

The updated version of the Periodic Table of Commodities Returns with 2022 data has been published by US Funds. Lithium was the best performing commodity last year with a return of about 73%. According to Frank Holmes of US Funds, this was the second year in a row that the “white gold” has soared to …

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Why Did Latin American Markets Outperform in 2022?

US equities has one of the worst returns in recent years in 2022. Other developed markets did had similar performance as well. However some emerging markets shined. For instance, Latin American equity markets had a good year relative to their US counterparts. The following chart shows the performance of major Latin American indices in 2022 …

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Dividend Stocks Offer Protection Against Inflation: Canadian Example

Dividend-paying stocks have many advantages over non-dividend payers. Dividend stocks only offer extra income but also offer protection against inflation. In many counties, dividend yields could match or exceed the inflation rates. In the following example, Canadian dividend equities offered income that met or exceeded inflation. From an article at RBC: Income for protection against …

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Periodic Table of Annual Returns for Canadian Investors 2012 to 2022: Chart

The Periodic Table of Annual Returns for Canadians has been updated for 2022 by Stingy Investor. This table shows the performance of various asset classes by year in Canadian dollars. The chart below shows the returns from 2012 to 2022. For earlier year returns click on the link and you can use the arrows to …

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