What Does One Barrel of Oil Yield: Graphic

Oil is one of the world’s most followed commodities for obvious reasons. The widely used measurement of crude oil is the barre. Have you ever wondered what is produced from a barrel of oil? The following graphic has the answers. It is fascinating to see that gasoline yield is less than half of a barrel …

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World Investment Report 2023: The Top 100 Non-Financial MNEs from Developing and Transition Economies Ranked by Foreign Assets

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) based in Geneva, Switzerland publishes the World Investment Report each year. This report offers a comprehensive review of flow of funds between countries called Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), industries attracting major investments, developed vs emerging and transition economies, etc. One section of the report that I …

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Growth of MSCI All Country World Index Thru Market Crises from 1987 to 2023: Chart

Equity markets have sustained multiple crises over the years and continue to go higher. Though equity markets tend to plunge dramatically when negative events occur they eventually tend to recover slowly. I have written in the past on how US markets have recovered after crises. Some of them can be found here and here and …

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