Energy Companies Dominate The Top Rankings At NYSE

Global energy companies now dominate the list of top ten companies list based on their market capitalization as of March 27,2009.

The Top Companies Listed in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE):


Chart :

Largest Companies NYSE

Note: Berkshire Hathaway Inc at $138.8B may have been listed at number 10. But it has  been left out since Berkshire is a unique company and specializes in varied sectors.

Financials such as Citibank(C), Bank of America (BAC) and industrials such GE used to the largest companies. Due to the current credit crunch these companies have been replaced by both foreign, energy and personal goods companies.

In the top 10 list shown above, half of them are oil companies. Even with the price of crude falling to much lower levels than the $140 last year, the global companies still command a huge premium and have seen their shares rise year over year in the past 5 years. Exxon Mobil ‘s nearest competitor is Wal-Mart but with a much lower market capitalization.While companies such as Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron, can be expected in the top list,new entrants such as PetroChina of China (PTR) and Petroleo Brasileiro(PBR) of Brazil are growing much faster than the well-established giants. The presence of these energy companies at the top show their importance for the global economy and the potential for future growth.PTR and PBR also show the growing influence of emerging market firms.

US firms such as AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Walmart are perennial favorites among many investors. In the past few years P&G had a lower market cap. However in recent times the rush to safety sectors has helped maintain P&G’s stock at relatively higher levels. AT&T is emerging as a strong player in the telecom field. Walmart will continue to be in the top for the foreseeable future since cash-strapped consumers prefer Walmart stores over other stores.

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