The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns 2004 To 2023: Chart

Callan has released the latest edition of The Periodic Table of Investment Returns chart. The 2023 chart shows the annual returns of key indices from 2004 to 2023 in order of performance for each year. Last year US large caps as denoted by the S&P 500 was the top performer with a return of over …

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Asset Class Returns From 2009 To 2023: Chart

We looked at the emerging markets returns and S&P 500 sector returns chart for 2023 in two posts earlier. In the post below let’s take a quick look at the asset class returns chart from 2009 to 2023 that was also published by Novel Investor. As expected, large caps were the winners in 2023 followed …

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The Top 10 States for Inbound and Outbound Migration in the US 2023: Chart

Migration within states in the US increased during the Covid-19 pandemic era when people in big cities moved out to smaller cities and rural areas. The popularity of remote work after the pandemic also is a driving factor for population migration. A recent report by the Tax Foundation noted that more people migrated from high-tax …

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Emerging Markets Returns by Country 2009 to 2023: Chart

We reviewed the S&P 500 sector performance chart for 2023 in an earlier post. The following chart shows the emerging markets returns by country from 2009 to 2023 also published by Novel Investor. Last year Hungary was the best performing emerging market followed by Greece and Poland. Who would have thought that Greece, which was …

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