There Are Always Reasons NOT to Invest in Stock Market

Investing in equity markets involves risks. There are many types of risks and one of those is the risk of the unknown. Ideally investors would like to have a perfect world where there are no crises or unknowns so they can invest without having to deal with them. To put it another way, there are …

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Why Invest in Stocks and Bonds: Chart

Investing in equities and bonds is one of the best ways to grow wealth. This is especially true when it comes to long-term. Over many years or decades due to the effect of compounding stocks have historically generated the highest returns over bonds and other assets. The following chart shows the growth of $1 from …

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One Drawback of the Market-Cap Weighted S&P 500 Index

The S&P 500 is the benchmark index of the US equity market. The index is considered as the barometer of the economy. Since it is diversified with all the major industries represented it is a true representation of the American economy. However there is one major drawback in the construction of the S&P 500. This …

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The World’s Leading Tire Manufacturers 2023

The World’s Leading Tire Manufacturers based are revenue are shown in the chart below. There have been not much changes at the top of this list. As in previous years, French tire maker Michelin(MGDDY) ranked the top followed by Bridgestone (BRDCY) of Japan and Goodyear(GT) of the US and Germany’s Continental (CTTAY). I recently learned …

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