Why Australian Investors Need To Invest In International Markets

One of the strategies for Australian investors to earn higher returns is to invest in overseas markets. Simply going with Australian domestic equities is not the best idea since markets aboard can yield better returns. In addition, it also offers diversification benefits. The Australian economy is mainly composed of old economy sectors. The major sectors …

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The Top 10 Countries With The Largest Gold Reserves 2023

Gold is considered as a safe-haven asset class. During periods of uncertainty and chaos in the equity markets investors tend to flock to gold. Though gold does not generate income like equities and other assets, they offer hedge against inflation and traditionally has held its value over the long-term. Gold has been a prized asset …

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Knowledge is Power: BRICS, Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Credit Card Debt Edition

US stocks have performed very well so far this year. The S&P 500 is up by about 18% year-to-date. Inflation, debt and other factors seem to hardly impact the markets adversely. Investors are focusing on the good news and ignoring the bad news. It remains to be seen how long this can last. From AI …

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Oil Reserves by Country and How Long It Will Last: Infographic

Oil prices continue to remain high adding to more pain for consumers. High oil prices are one factor that is driving inflation. After the dramatic plunge in demand during the Covid era oil prices soared in the past two years leading to the energy sector having the best returns in the S&P 500. Top oil …

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