Why Sector Diversification Is Important

Allocating assets among various sectors is one way to implement the diversification strategy. This is because the sector that earns the best returns in one year might end up turning the worst the following year. For example, the below chart shows the annual sector returns of the S&P 500 index from 2013 to 2022. We …

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On the Performance of Auto-Parts Retailers Stocks

One way to profit from the growth of the automotive sector is to invest in auto parts companies. This includes auto parts markets and retailers. Auto makers are not a great investment especially for the long-term due to many issues including legacy obligations and other factors. Auto parts makers and retailers benefit benefit during good …

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Why Tactical Asset Allocation is a Not a Smart Idea: Chart

One of the key strategies for success with investing is the simple task of diversification. I have written many times in this blog that diversification is the easiest way to reduce risk and improve returns. Diversification over various asset classes is one way to implement diversification in a portfolio. The following chart shows the importance …

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The Top 10 Restaurants by U.S. Revenue 2022

The Subway fast food chain is to be sold to Roark Capital for $9.6 billion according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. Subway is the eighth largest chain the US based on revenue in the US market in 2022. The top restaurant chain in terms of US revenue is McDonald’s (MCD). While …

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