Minimum Wages Across The European Union 2021: Chart

Minimum wages vary widely across the 27 member nations of the European Union. As expected wages are high in the western part of the EU and lower in the eastern countries. Luxembourg has the highest monthly minimum wage at 2,202 Euros whereas the lowest rate is in Bulgaria at just 332 Euros. Among the east …

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How Does Social Security Payments in the US Compare to Other Developed Countries : Chart

The Social Security is one of the main public pension system for retired Americans. Despite the presence of contribution-based retirement plans such as 401Ks, individual retirements plans, widespread popularity of equity investments including mutual funds, the good old social security payment from Uncle Sam supports a big portion of the living expenses of retired people. …

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Financial Transaction Tax Rates in Europe 2021: Chart

Investing in many European equities involve a tax called Financial Transaction Tax (FTT). This tax was implemented in some countries in Europe after the Financial crisis of 2008-09. In the basic sense, FTT is a levy or duty charged just for the privilege of transacting in certain financial securities including stocks. The following chart shows which …

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Gold Price vs. Dow Jones Industrial Average – 100, 30 and 10 Year Return Charts

Equities beat gold in the short and long-terms. As an asset class gold is important to hold in a well-diversified portfolio. However gold returns lag stocks when returns are measured in many years such as 100, 30 and 10 years. This is because stocks are still the preferred asset for growing wealth. In this post, …

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