Quick Post: Three Industrial Gas Producers

The world leaders in Industrial gases specifically hydrogen are Linde(LIN), Air Liquide(AIQUY) and Air Products and Chemicals(APD). In addition to hydrogen and other gases, they also produce oxygen which is in high demand during this pandemic. For instance, Linde is major supplier of oxygen in many emerging countries. With millions of Coronavirus patients requiring oxygen the …

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Know Your Risk During COVID-19: Infographic

Coronavirus cases are exploding in the U.S. For the first time since the pandemic began, new cases exceeded 160,000 yesterday according to NY Times. For more than a week now average daily cases have crossed the 100,000 mark. Covid-19 has killed 242,787 Americans so far and the total case count is over 10.6 million. The situation …

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The Chemical Elements of a Smartphone: Infographic

Have you ever wondered what are the different chemical elements that are used in building a smartphone? For instance, we know batteries are lithium ion batteries. The following infographic shows some of the other chemical elements that are used in a smartphone: Click to enlarge Source: Compound Chem Related: The Periodic Table of iPhones, Cool …

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China’s Per Capita GDP Growth From 1949 To 2019: Infographic

The economy of China has grown significantly in the past few decades especially after the country entered the WTO in 2001. From 1949 thru 1980 the GDP per capita was mostly flat. To put it another way, China’s economy took off under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. The following infographics shows some of the key …

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Foreign Equity Markets: Less Concentrated and More Opportunities

In a recent post I mentioned that US stocks beat foreign stocks hands down over the long term. However that does mean one should simply avoid foreign stocks. In addition to diversification benefits, currently international equity markets are less concentrated than US markets and also they offer plenty of choices relative to the US market. …

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