The Top 20 Global Integrated Oil and Gas Companies 2018

Oil prices are in a downward spiral in recent weeks. Yesterday Brent fell 7.1% for January delivery and closed at $65.47 yesterday. Just a few weeks ago pundits were predicting oil may reach over $100 a barrel soon. Since then prices have dramatically plunged. The reasons attributed to the collapse in prices are many. Some …

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Could Australia’s Luck Run Out?

Australia is known as the lucky country. It is rich in natural resources, has a small population and has a stable democratic government. The country hasn’t had a recent in recent years. In addition, Australia have never had bank collapses like in other developed countries such as the US in recent memory. The lucky country …

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Knowledge is Power: FIRE, US Stock Valuations, Retirement Edition

Before the Global Financial Crisis(GFC) of 2008-09, FIRE used to mean Financial Services, Insurance and Real Estate(FIRE) to define the US economy. FIRE sectors used to the hottest to be in. Then the FIRE burned out economy. Nowdays millennials have redefined FIRE to be Financial Independence Retire Early where people extreme measures to retire as …

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