Study: Social Security Is The Most Important Source Of Income For Senior Citizens

In the U.S. the Social Security program run by the Federal Government is one of the most successful programs in helping seniors in retirement. As a state run program it provides a safe, consistent and dependable benefit to seniors when they need it most. Private retirement plans such as the 401-Ks that are a failure …

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The Collapse in Oil Prices is Not an Unprecedented Event

Oil prices have fallen heavily since 2014. Prices reached more than $125 per barrel just a few years ago. On Friday Brent crude futures closed at $38.72/bbl. For a few years it seemed oil prices would hold forever at around $100/bbl. Oil producers, refiners and others enjoyed a great earnings period as US consumers were …

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Is China Stock Market A Colossal Casino?

Investing in emerging markets involves more risk than developed markets. Among the major emerging markets, the Chinese equity market is considered by some investors as one huge casino. This year the Shanghai Composite Composite Index is down about 19% year-to-date. Last year Chinese stocks had a tumultuous year to say the least. The following chart shows …

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Knowledge is Power: Oil Stocks For Income, Emerging Markets Myths, Global Exposure Edition

Can investors still look to the FTSE 100 for income? (Money observer) Opinion: Who cares if Moody’s lowers its outlook for China? (Deutsche Welle) Iran: the final great investment frontier (FT beyondbrics) Myths to Ignore in Emerging Markets (AB Blog) French model portfolios made best returns in 2015 (Investment Europe) For US Investors: 5 reasons to contribute to an …

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Five Bank Stocks Yielding More Than 5% Dividends

After the recent rout in equity markets worldwide some of the banking stocks are worth a look at current levels. Since share prices have declined, high quality banks have dividend yields of more than 5%. Unlike banks that are still bogged in credit-crisis era issues, the following banks are relatively in healthy shape and are …

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