The Big Mac Index vs. The Little Mac Index

Price comparison of the same product across countries is an interesting analysis to see how products are cheaper or costly in various countries. The Economist’s famous Big Mac Index uses the Big Mac burger of McDonald’s for this comparison. CFR tried a different approach using Apple’s iPad minis. Their research shows that the average price …

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Credit Suisse: US Firms May Not Be Able To Increase Dividends Further

Over the past few years investors hungry for yield have piled onto dividend paying US stocks. While companies have increased dividends in recent years the party may not continue. According to an article by Credit Suisse, the scope for further dividend increases by US companies is getting narrow. From the article: Flush with cash and lacking …

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Why iShares UK ETF is the Wrong Way To Gain Exposure to the UK Economic Recovery

The iShares UK ETF(EWU) is the wrong way to gain exposure to the UK economic recovery because of the unique structure of the British equity market.For most countries, the single country ETF such as the EWS for Singapore is the best way to gain exposure to that market. However that logic should not be be …

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High Sugar Consumption: What is the Impact on Consumers And Food and Beverage Companies?

Consuming high quantities of sugar is not good for health. For example, obesity is a major disease affecting millions of people especially in developed countries. Obesity is one type of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is caused by excessive sugar intake. Some of the other diseases classified under metabolic syndrome are type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, lipid …

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