The Global Retirement Landscape 2015

Pension systems around in the around are going through tremendous changes. In more and more countries, employers are moving towards Defined Contribution (DC) plans from Defined Benefit (DB) plans. DC plans are advantageous to employers are it transfers more risk in payments to employees. For example, in DC plans employees save a portion of their …

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Sources of Federal Tax Revenues in 2014

The chart below shows the various sources of taxes for the Federal government in 2014: Click to enlarge Source: Where Taxes Came From In 2014, Peter G.Peterson Foundation The majority of the Federal taxes come from individuals and not from corporations. Individuals paid 80% of the total Federal taxes collected. Individual income taxes are progressive in …

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US High Speed Rail System Dream Map

The U.S. lags the rest of the world in the high-speed rail transportation. When compared to other developed countries like Japan, France, Germany, etc. the U.S. has a third-rate high-speed rail system. In fact, the only high-speed train called the Acela Express has a maximum speed of only 150 mph (241 kph). Compared to this pathetic …

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The State of the Global Auto Industry in Charts 2015

Automakers in developed countries are going strong and those in emerging markets are struggling according to a research report published earlier this year by Euler Hermes, the world leader in trade credit insurance. The following are some of the graphs and points of interest from their report. 1)Change in Global Vehicle Production by Country Click to …

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