Foreign Students In U.S. Universities and Colleges

The higher education industry one of the large industries in the U.S. The industry provides millions of jobs and more importantly creates billions of dollars worth of economic activity each year. For example, some college presidents make over $1.0 million per year in salary. All this money has to come from somewhere. One place where it …

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Countries From Which China Imports Energy Resources

As a emerging market superpower China is the largest consumer of many natural resource. China does not have huge crude oil resources and is a net importer of the black stuff. The following chart shows the list of countries which supply crude oil and natural gas to China: Click to enlarge   Source: Fueling a …

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The Top 10 Trade Partners of Greece

Greece is on the southern end of Europe and has an archipelago of 2,000 islands. The economy is a medium size economy in Europe with an estimated GDP of $267.0 billion based on Purchasing Power Parity. Greece has democracy as the political system and a free market capitalist economy. One of the major negative factors …

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Differences and Similarities Between Major Frontier Market Indices

Frontier markets refer to all markets that are not developed or emerging. These markets include places like Ecuador, Nigeria, Namibia, Iran, etc. The following map shows the countries that are considered as frontier markets by the global investment community: Click to enlarge Source: WSJ Graphics According to a research report by Ben Garland and Kelvin Dell of Blackrock, …

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