One Solid Reason to Invest in European Dividend Stocks

European firms generally tend to pay a higher portion of their earnings as dividends to shareholders. Unlike US firms they do not target a specific dividend amount or an yield but rather target to payout a specific payout ratio. One reason to invest in European dividend paying stocks is that their average payout ratios are …

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What is the Impact of Lower Crude Oil Prices on Canada

The Canadian economy will underperform the US economy over the next few years due to the impacts of lower crude oil prices according to a special report by Thomas Julien of Natixis. Here is the summary of the report: The fall in oil prices is likely to result in mixed effects for Canada. On the one …

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IHS Energy 50: The World’s Largest Listed Energy Firms Lists

IHS acquired the prestigious energy and oil consultancy PFC Energy in 2013. Since then, the popular PFC annual ranking of the world’s largest energy and related-industry firms have been renamed as IHS Enery 50. This year’s ranking using 2014 data will be published next month. For now lets take a look at the 2014 rankings. NOTE: …

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