S&P 500 Annual Total Return By Year From 1927 To 2013

The S&P 500 is up 3.13% and 4.78% year-to-date in terms of price and total returns respectively. Total return is higher since it includes dividends. The index has given up much of the gains recently from the peak reached earlier this year as markets around the world have become extremely volatile due to a variety of …

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Personal Saving Rate: China vs. USA

Chinese are big savers compared to Americans. Traditionally households in China save a high portion of their income due to many factors such as culture, lack of a social safety net, lack of availability of credit, need for healthcare expenses, etc. Unlike the U.S., China does not yet have things like medicare, medicaid, social security, etc. …

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Why Own Global Stocks With High Dividend Payout Ratios

Investors looking for dividend income from equities must consider adding foreign stocks. Going overseas not only provides potentially higher dividends but also other benefits such as diversification, higher capital growth potential, etc. As I have mentioned many times before the dividend yield of the S&P 500 is around 2%. This rate is low compared to many …

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A Comparison of the Automobile Market in China and USA

China is one of the world’s leading market for auto manufacturers. As an emerging country with a population of over 1.3 billion the market is huge and the demand for cars from the growing middle-class is rising every year. As a result most of the world’s top auto makers have a presence in China. According …

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