Why Dividends Matter During Any Market Condition

Some investors tend to invest in equities primarily for price appreciation. They ignore dividends or consider dividends to be of low to no significance. However the strategy of ignoring dividends and concentrating purely on share price growth may not work all the time. This is especially true during times of economic uncertainty or recessions. Dividends …

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Why Invest in British, French and German Blue Chips for Global Exposure

One of the ways to gain exposure to emerging markets is to invest in developed world companies that have a significant presence in emerging markets. Among the developed world companies, many large-cap European firms have big operations in emerging markets and derive a large portion of their revenue from those markets. Hence by investing in …

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Knowledge is Power: Special Stock Pick Lists for 2014 Edition

12 Attractive Stocks For 2014 That Performed Superbly In 2013 (Forbes) Raymond James: A Few Bank-Stock Picks for 2014 (Barron’s) Barron’s 10 Favorite Stocks for 2014 (Barron’s) J.P. Morgan, Samsung and 8 other 2014 stock picks from Barclays (MarketWatch) 14 stock picks for 2014 (Fidelity) RBC’s top 30 global stock picks for 2014  (The Globe and Mail) 20 top picks from 20 star investors (CNN) The Share …

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