Are Mid-Caps Better Than Small and Large-Caps?

Mid-cap stocks have outperformed small and large-caps since 2008 and even from 1993. This is interesting since some think small caps would outperform the other two types. Mid-caps can defined as stocks from market capitalization of $1.0 billion or more.Some consider companies with market capitalizations of $3.0 billion or more as mid-caps. There is no one …

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Correlation Between Tax Rates And Stock Returns

Effective January 1st of this year the rates on many different types of taxes increased as part of the fiscal cliff deal. However the most of these increases affect only high earners. The majority of the working population are not impacted by most these increases especially taxes related to investments such as capital gains and …

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10 NYSE-Listed Auto Parts Makers

The auto components industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. The U.S. is home to the largest auto parts industry in the world since the country has the highest number of autos anywhere. Hence investing in this auto parts makers can be a winning strategy. According to one research report, the U.S. auto parts industry …

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Are Australian Cyclical Stocks Cheap Now?

The Australian economy remained strong during the global financial crisis relative to other developed countries. The IMF has projected Australia’s GDP to grow 3% this year. The country’s economy is closely tied with China’s since Australia is one of the largest commodity exporters to China. As fears of a hard-landing in China turned out to …

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