A Note On Spanish Banks’ Exposure To Latin America

The Spanish banking sector has been hit hard in the past few years due to the Global Financial Crisis and then the European Sovereign Debt Crisis. Bank stocks in Spain have recovered from the March 2009 lows although they are nowhere near their pre-crisis levels. Despite all the continuing troubles at home, some investors are …

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BRIC’s Trade With MENA Region Rising

Trade between the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the BRIC countries is increasing yearly since 2001 as shown in the graph below: Click to enlarge Source: Two years of Arab Spring: Where are we now? What’s next?, Deutsche Bank Research Resource hungry China and India are interested in the natural resources of the …

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Lower, Growing Dividend Yield is Better Than Just Higher Dividend Yield

Stocks that have low dividend yields but grow the yield consistently each year perform better in the long run than stocks with high dividend yields as discussed in this article. Total return of lower dividend stocks in the long run will be higher than the total return of higher dividend stocks.For example, the telecom sector …

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