Composition of China’s Growth and Imports

The following chart shows the contributors to China’s growth and the composition of its imports over the years: Click to enlarge Source: World Economic Outlook,Oct 2012,  The IMF Investment expenditures accounted for about half of China’s GDP in the first decade of 2000 as China invested heavily in infrastructure development. As China builds up its …

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Knowledge is Power: Autos, Barter, Country Risk Edition

BMW enjoys record annual car sales (The BBC) Beetter than Buying – Barter Economy Matures from Niche to Trend (Der Speigel) The problem with stability (Canadian Business) Canadian housing may be most overvalued in the world, says The Economist (Canadian Business) Great Canadian real estate crash of 2013 (MaCleans) Germany is not profiting from the eurozone (The Guardian) USA: …

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Five Stocks To Consider

Here are five randomly selected stocks to consider. Most of these firms have performed well in recent and are good candidates for investing in those specific sectors: 1.Company: Emerson Electric Co (EMR) Current Dividend Yield: 3.03% Sector: Scientific & Technical Instruments 2.Company: Bank of Ozarks Inc(OZRK) Current Dividend Yield: 1.74% Sector: Regional Banking 3.Company: GATX …

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The World’s Largest In-Service Jet Fleets by Country 2011

The World’s Largest In-service Jet Fleets at the end of 2011 is shown below: Click to enlarge     Source: Current Market Outlook 2012-3031, Boeing With over 6,000 jets, the U.S. has the largest jet fleet (with over 30 seats)  followed by China. There are reasons for the high number of jets in-service in the U.S. …

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