Global Fertilizer and Industrial Gas Companies Are Increasing Capital Expenditures

Fertilizer and industrial gas companies are increasing their capital investments as measured by the ratio of capital expenditures to revenue levels according to a study by the ICIS Chemical Business magazine. From the ICIS Top 100 Chemical Companies 2012 report: For the second year running, the biggest spenders were dominated by fertilizer producers and industrial gas companies, as …

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The Dramatic Decline in Investors’ Interest for Chinese Stocks

Until a few years ago Chinese stocks were hot and investors bid up the prices to astronomic levels. Then the party ended and most of these stocks came back to earth. In the U.S.,  most of the Chinese  IPOs that were floated at the peak of the China craze have performed poorly. A few have …

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Which Country is Better for Investment: France or Sweden ?

The Economist magazine has published a special report on why France could be the biggest danger for the Euro. French politicians have denounced the report with one minister calling the report “absurd and groundless“. However most people, including myself, would agree with the substance of the Economist report. From “The time-bomb at the heart of …

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Four New Unsponsored ADRs Created

BNY Mellon created the following four unsponsored ADRs last week: 1.Company: EI Towers S.p.A Ticker: EITWY Country: Italy 2.Company: Interpump Group S.p.A. Ticker: IPGYY Country: Italy 3.Company: Softbank Corporation Ticker: SFTBY Country: Japan 4.Company: Zignago Vetro SpA Ticker: ZIGNY Country: Italy Last month Softbank paid $20 billion to buy a 70% stake in the US …

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