A History of Bubbles

I came across an interesting article by Jonathan Brodie of South Africa-based Allan Gray Proprietary Limited discussing stock market bubbles and how extreme bearish mainstream media cover stories about investing in stocks are contrary indicators. The famous 1979 BusinessWeek cover that pronounced the ‘Death of Equities‘ was a classic example of such contrary indicators. Click to enlarge Some …

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A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. Housing Markets

Is the Canadian housing market in a bubble or not? Its a question that Canadians and foreign investors in Canada worry about these days. Almost not a week goes by without the media talking about the housing market in Canada. This is because housing prices in Canada continue to remain strong despite weakness in the …

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Australia Vs. Canada: Household Savings Rate and Debt to Disposable Income

The Canadian household savings rate in 1990 was higher than Australia’s household savings rate. However as a result of the global financial crisis and high interest rates the Australian savings rate jumped from negative 2% to 12% before stabilizing at around 10%. The Canadian savings rate has continued to follow the downward trend since 1990 …

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Equity Market Performance Comparison: Brazil vs. Mexico

Brazil has been the hot emerging market destination until recently. The country’s economy and stocks performed extremely well due to the commodity market boom before the global financial crisis. However global investors’ attraction towards Brazil has waned recently despite many positive factors favorable to the economy including the hosting of Olympic Games in 2016 and …

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The Top 15 British Dividend Paying Stocks

Many British companies are increasing dividend payments this year. According to a report by Capita Registrars, large British firms are projected to payout a record £78.3 billion in dividends. In the first half £41.4 billion was paid out in dividends including special dividends by GlaxoSmithkline and Old Mutual. Oil majors were some of the biggest dividend raisers. The Top …

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