Market Share of the Global Tourism Industry

Tourism is increasingly becoming a major industry for many countries. International travel is growing in many emerging countries due to rising income levels and easier access to travel abroad. Globally, tourism spending totaled US$1.03 trillion in  2011 for increase of 3.8% over 2010 levels. The top three countries in international tourist arrivals ranked in order are France, …

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Why Unemployment Rate Varies Widely Among Developed Countries

During the great recession between 2006 and 2009 the unemployment rate in advanced countries increased more than in emerging countries. However the change in unemployment between developed countries rates has varied significantly. Some countries  such as Australia and Japan fared better while countries like Spain, Ireland, etc. experienced a strong growth in the unemployment rates. …

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U.S. Corporate, Government and Personal Savings from 1940 to 2010

U.S. companies save more than governments and individuals. This is especially true in the past few years as companies started hoarding cash instead of reinvesting them or distributing them to investors. According to one estimate, U.S. corporation held more than $1.7 Trillion in cash and equivalents at the end of March this year. The chart below shows the gross national savings between …

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Stock Trading Volume in NYSE and NASDAQ From 2001 To 2010

Trading volumes in both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ (NAS) have increased since the start of the 21st century.Some of the the reasons for the rise in trading volumes include high volatility in the markets, investor anxiety, high-frequency trading (HFT), short-term trading by hedge funds, etc.While dramatic fall in share prices in the past few years  have …

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