Top Chemical Companies in Latin America

The top chemical companies in Latin America based on sales in 2009 are listed below: 1. Braskem (BAK) 2. ALPEK 3. PEMEX 4. Quotter 5. Mexichem 6. SQM (SQM) 7. Fosterill 8. Oxiteno 9. Petrobras Argentina (PZE) Brazil-based Braskem is a petrochemical firm with 29 plants in Brazil and the U.S. Last year the company …

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In the Economic Cycle, Where are We Now?

I came across this interesting graphic on economic cycle at the FT Alphaville blog: Click to enlarge Source: Hugh Hendry, Eclectica Asset Management, UK Some of the items mentioned here such as creditor countries tightening monetary policies have not occurred yet. In addition it is highly unlikely that the U.S. will reject globalization anytime soon.

Performance: One Small Bank vs. Four Super-Banks

The banking sector has been one of the worst performing sectors due to the recent financial crisis. Many small U.S. banks have been shutdown and many more are on the verge of extinction. However there are a few winning small banks. One such bank is Prosperity Bancshares Inc.(PRSP) based in Houston, Texas. Prosperity’s performance vs. …

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Asia: An Attractive Destination for Income Investors

Traditionally investors have preferred large cap companies in developed countries when it comes to investing for dividend income. This is because many of the large companies in Western Europe, Canada, the U.S. and other developed markets are established companies with defined dividend payout policies and have history of rewarding shareholders with cash in the form …

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