Two Charts Show Global Economy Is Recovering

While there are many factors to evaluate global economic growth, one factor that is the most important to look at is world trade. According to the latest data on trade, the global economy is in recovery mode. The following two charts confirm that economic growth is back on track after the terrifying fall during the …

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The World’s Top 20 Container Ports

Asian ports dominate the list of the world’s 20 largest container ports based on container throughput data for 2009. Singapore tops the ranking followed by Shanghai and Hong Kong. The only ports from the western hemisphere are Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Within Asia the majority of the ports in this list …

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Social Security To Run Out Of Money By 2041

The U.S. social security system is the largest government-run social benefit program in the world. As most employers have eliminated or reduced pensions in the past few decades millions of Americans depend more on social security after retirement. In fact, social security payments help keep a significant number of retired persons out of poverty. This …

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10 Foreign Bank Stocks to Consider

Most foreign banks have rebounded strongly since the depth of the credit crisis. Some of them have written off all of the losses and have shored up their balance sheets. Investors who avoided bank stocks in the past few months many want to consider adding some of the stronger banks at current levels. Another round …

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Is Gold the Sponge that Absorbs All Perceived Risks?

Gold prices closed at $1,458.80 an ounce today. The demand for gold continues to rise as investors seek shelter from volatile equity markets. According to The Wall Street Journal, despite record high prices the price of gold is still below the inflation-adjusted price of $2,348.21 reached in 1980. Gold prices have increased by 146.58% in …

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