Six Reasons to Invest in German Chemical Stocks

The German chemical industry is the fourth largest in the world and number one in Europe. Traditionally Germany has maintained leadership position in this industry beating other countries due to innovative policies encouraging investment, highly specialized educational programs fostering the advancement of chemical science, world-class infrastructure, sustainable development with public and private sector partnership, substantial …

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Why Soaring Energy and Food Prices Have Low Impact on CPI

Soaring energy and food prices have low impact on Consumer Price Indices (CPI) in developed countries than in emerging countries. This is because unlike in the emerging markets, food and energy make up a lower share in the more service-oriented CPI baskets of developed countries. Emerging markets such as India, China, Brazil are experiencing high …

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Americans Are Now Saving More Than Canadians

Generally Canadians have a higher propensity to save compared to Americans in spite of having a better social safety-net such as free healthcare, pensions, job security, etc. under the socialist form of government. Up until the credit crisis hit most U.S. consumers saved very little. In fact, the personnel savings rate in the U.S. went …

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