In the Year of the Metal Rabbit What Do You Invest In?

According to the Chinese Zodiac,  2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit, which began on February 3rd.  Last month published the 17th annual CLSA Feng Shui Index report with a tongue-in-cheek look at what 2011 holds for equities, commodities, property, celebrities, and the zodiac signs in the year ahead. From the report: The 2010 …

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British Companies To Raise Dividend Payouts in 2011

British companies are projected to increase dividend payouts by 10% this year according to a report by Capita Registrars Dividend Monitor. Captia Registrars expects overall dividend yield to be 4.4% in 2011. While most investors focus on stock prices, dividends are an important part of total return. Quoting the Barclays Equity Gilt Study, the monitor …

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Top 15 North America-Focused Exploration & Production Companies

Crude oil prices continue to march higher due to geo-political risks and other factors. On the New York Mercantile Exchange March crude rose 0.1% to settle at $90.86 a barrel. Across the U.S. consumers are already feeling the impact of rising oil prices with pump prices well above $3.00 a gallon.With the economy slowly recovering, …

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