Goldman Sachs: 10 U.S. Stocks for Dividend Growth

According to a research note by Goldman Sachs, the S&P 500 gained 255% in price appreciation in the last 20 years. When dividend reinvestment is considered, the S&P 500’s total return jumps to 439.3%. That amounts to a difference of an astonishing 184.3% in returns. Goldman noted: “Amid the slowing economic environment and historically high …

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Historical Monthly S&P 500 Volatility Chart

In a recent article I wrote that the average stock holding period in the NYSE fell to around 7 months in 2007. In addition to this very low holding period, investors today must endure tremendous volatility in the markets. The chart below shows the S&P 500 volatility has changed over the past 33+ years: Click …

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Forbes: Asia’s Fabulous 50 Companies

Forbes magazine has published the sixth annual list of the best big publicly listed companies in the Asia-Pacific region. From the magazine’s report: “How do companies pass muster? We started with 936 that had at least $3 billion in revenue or market capitalization. We looked at the five-year record for revenue, operating earnings and return …

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Interbrand: The Best Global Brands 2010

The global brand management consultancy Interbrand recently published the Best 100 Global Brands for 2010. Beverage giant Coca Cola(KO) continued to maintain the top spot followed by IBM(IBM) and Microsoft(MSFT). The Best Global Brands 2010: Click to Enlarge Most of these top brands listed above belong to European and American companies. Some of the notable …

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