More on Capital Ratios of U.S. Bank Holding Companies

The Tier 1 common capital to risk-weighted assets ratio historically stood at 7¼% over 1997–2007  for all FDIC banks in the U.S. The U.S. Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP) which performed the stress tests to assess risks faced by banks assumed a target of 4% Tier 1 common capital to risk-weighted assets ratio which is …

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IMF: U.S. Economic Recovery Likely to be Gradual

The latest IMF Country Report for U.S.A released yesterday says that the financial strains are still high and the recovery is likely be gradual. Some of the key takeaways from this report are listed below: Exports of goods and services would be restrained due to the sluggish growth in countries with which the U.S. trades …

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