The World’s Top 10 Gold Stocks by Value

After setting a record above $1,000 an ounce during March 2008, Gold bullion prices have been volatile. Accordingly Gold stocks have been volatile as well during the past few months.Gold prices 5-year-char: Since early Jun, gold stocks have been heading down. In the past 12 months gold stocks have lost their upward momentum as well. …

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No Turnaround Yet for German Economy

Germany can be considered as the barometer for Europe since it has the largest economy in Europe. With a strong base in manufacturing and leadership position in industries such as chemicals Germany’s economy growth is critical for Europe as well the rest of the world. In an article titled Germany’s Export Champions Slammed by Economic …

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China’s Economy Shows Strong Growth

In the first six months of this year China’s GDP grew by 7.1% on year-over-year basis as per the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China yesterday. Economic growth by quarters: 1st Quarter, 2009 : 6.1% 2nd Quarter, 2009 : 7.9% The main reason for the strong growth was the government’s …

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No Signs of Economic Recovery Yet in the U.S.

There are no signs of economic recovery in-spite of some folks talking about green shoots for the past few weeks. The following chart about retail sales reinforces this point. Source: The Wall Street Journal Last month there was a minor upturn in auto sales after many months of drastic declines. And gas prices  rose last …

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Daily Wisdom: New Bull Market Edition

Photo: Arch de Triumph, Paris, France ITALY’S public debt hit a record E1.7522 trillion ($3.13 trillion) in May, the Bank of Italy reported on Tuesday. Italy’s debt reaches new record Russian millionaires are returning to the U.S. property market, lured by distressed sales and the ruble’s rise against the dollar, lawyer Edward Mermelstein said. Russian …

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