Knowledge is Power:The Global Casino is Now Open Edition

The ongoing economic crisis has pummelled Spain. Small businesses feel abandoned by the government, layoffs are swelling the ranks of the desperate, and a whole generation of recent college graduates is facing a future without prospects.Recession Robs Spain’s Youth of Jobs and Hope

Investment banks, of all things, are making serious money again, thanks in part to government aid. Ironically, they are benefiting from the crisis they helped to create. As profits go up, so do salaries — only this time, it’s the taxpayers who are shouldering the risks. Banks Reopen Global Casino

Housing prices up in sign of recovery AUSTRALIA’s housing recovery is under way, with prices jumping 3.3 per cent in the June quarter – the strongest quarterly growth recorded in house and unit prices since December 2007.

The FTSE 100’s amazing run of daily rises has come to an end. We gather expert opinion on whether the bull market is truly back ..Shares: Is the bull market here to stay?

A sudden upturn in global sales of information and communications technology (ICT) goods in May and June suggests the ICT industry may have reached a turning point and be on the road to recovery, according to a new OECD report.Technology industry shows signs of recovery

Macquarie believes strong liquidity conditions are stretching Asian equity valuations while others still see a buying opportunity. Asian share price valuations in question

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