US Home Foreclosures: Caught In a Never-Ending Vicious Cycle?

The housing sector is the root cause of the current credit crunch. For more than a year the economy has been suffering from a severe recession and home foreclosures are rising day after day. As the economy worsens further and unemployment level increases foreclosures are bound to skyrocket as well. In this scenario, preventing closures …

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Current Yields of Top Canadian Dividend Stocks

Last August I wrote an article about the Top Canadian Dividend stocks trading in the US markets.These stocks are part of the S&P TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index. Since dividends account for 1/3rd of the total returns of the TSX Composite Index, it pays to keep an eye on the current yields.This is especially in …

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A Look At The GlobalX Funds’ Colombia ETF

Last year investors welcomed a few frontier markets ETFs such as the MENA Frontier Countries (PMNA) by PowerShares, the Africa ETF (AFK) and the Gulf States ETF (MES) from Market Vectors and the Frontier Markets (FRN) from Claymore/BNY Mellon.These frontier market ETFs can be extremely volatile and are suitable for investors who can take high …

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Utility Stocks of the S&P ADR Index

The following are the utility components of the S&P; ADR Index: 1.Cemig-PN (Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais SA) – CIG Current Yield: 4.38% 2.Copel -PNB (Companhia Paranaense de Energia SA) – ELP Current Yield: 1.89% 3.Endesa-Chile – EOC Current Yield: 0.71% 4.Enersis SA – ENI Current Yield: 1.71% 5. National Grid plc – NGG Current …

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The World’s Best Developed Market Banks 2009

The Global Finance magazine has announced this year’s winners for the best banks in 24 developed countries. Ireland and Iceland were left out from this contest. As per the editors of this magazine “The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished better …

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