Top 10 Components of the Russell Australia High Dividend Index

The Russell Australia High Dividend Index is comprised of about 50 blue chip companies that have a high expected dividend yield in addition to meeting other conditions such as a history of paying dividends, dividend growth and consistent earnings.

The dividend yield of this index is 4.99% and the P/E is 16.5 as of June 30, 2010.

The Top 10 holdings in the Russell Australia High Dividend Index and their ADR ticker with current dividend yields are listed below:

1.BHP Billiton Ltd (BHP)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.24%

2.Commonwealth Bank of Australia (OTC: CMWAY)
Current Dividend Yield: 2.37%

3.Westpac Banking Corp (WBK)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.00%

4.National Australia Bank Ltd(OTC:NABZY)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.63%

5.Australia New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (OTC: ANZBY)
Current Dividend Yield: 4.09%

6.Telstra Corp Ltd (OTc: TLSYY)
Current Dividend Yield: 8.44%

7.Woolworths Ltd

8.Metcash Ltd (OTC: MHTLY)
Current Dividend Yield: 6.37%

9.Wesfarmers Ltd (OTC: WFAFY)
Current Dividend Yield: 1.74%

10.Foster’s Group Ltd (OTC: FBRWY)
Current Dividend Yield: 4.25%

In May this year, Russell Investments launched the the Russell High Dividend Australian Shares ETF in Australia (Domestic market ticker: RDV.AX) to track the above index.

Correlation between U.S. and Foreign Stocks

I have written earlier about some of the reasons for investing in foreign stocks. Despite the synchronized crash of both foreign and U.S. stocks in the recent bear market, investing in foreign stocks still offer diversification benefits.

The chart below shows the correlation between U.S. and foreign stocks during the rolling 12-month periods from December 1970 to August 2009:

Correlation between U.S. and Foreign Stocks

Source: Fidelity Investments

The chart shows that correlations increased and declined over time. Global stocks (including U.S. stocks) tended to fall during periods of extreme market or economic stress (i.e. correlations moved up), just as they did during the recent global financial crisis. However historically, U.S. and foreign returns generally diverged after the crisis passed (i.e. correlations fell down).

So the fact that foreign markets also fell in tandem with US stocks during the recent crisis is not unusual. Moving forward, the correlations between them should decline based on historical trends. Hence adding foreign equities to one’s portfolio should continue to provide diversification and reduce volatility.

Some related ETFs:

iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund  (EFA)
iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Index Fund  (ACWX)
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund  (EEM)
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US (VEU)
Vanguard European ETF (VGK)

A Review of Unemployment Rates in the U.S. and Germany

The U.S. employment stood at 9.5% as of June this year, according to BLS.  After reaching a peak of 10.1% in October last year, the rate has steadily declined but continues to stay above 9%. Since 2005, the lowest unemployment rate recorded was 4.4% in 2006 and in early 2007. Currently 14.6 million Americans are unemployed as per official figures.

In a NY Times Op-Ed piece on August 2nd, the Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner  mentioned: “Private job growth has returned — not as fast as we would like, but at an earlier stage of this recovery than in the last two recoveries. Manufacturing has generated 136,000 new jobs in the past six months.”

From a Bloomberg article the next day:

“Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said U.S. unemployment may rise again before it falls and the economy isn’t recovering rapidly enough.

“It’s possible you’re going to have a couple months where it goes up,” he said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” program. “People start to come back into the labor force, and that can cause the measured unemployment rate to go up temporarily.”

The U.S. economy grew at a slower-than-expected 2.4 percent pace in the second quarter as consumer spending slowed, according to Commerce Department data. Companies probably added about 90,000 jobs in July, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey before the Labor Department’s Aug. 6 employment report. The jobless rate is forecast to rise to 9.6 percent from 9.5 percent.”

Compared to the unemployed rate of 9.5%  in the U.S., the unemployment rate in Germany stood at just 7.6% in July. From a high of over 12% in 2005, the German unemployment rate steadily declined till 2008 and then increased during the global financial crisis but still stayed under 9%.  A New York Times article titled “In Germany, a Broad Recovery Is Under Way” credits Germany’s rising demand for labor to the unique government incentive program called the short work program. From the article:

“Surging earnings, also reported in recent weeks by companies like the chemical maker BASF and Deutsche Bank, partly explain why German hiring is bouncing back. But the jobs recovery also has roots in the changes that Germany has made to its labor market, and to the lessons that German companies learned from past crises.

For example, Trumpf, a machine-tool maker in the south German city of Ditzingen, managed to get through the recession without laying off any of its 4,000 German workers. In the United States, Trumpf laid off 90 of the 650 workers.

Why the difference? Part of the answer is that, in Germany, Trumpf could take advantage of government incentives to reduce worker hours rather than lay off people, a system known as short work. In the program, the government gives workers partial compensation for the lost wages.

“We wanted to keep our well-trained people on board,” the Trumpf chief executive, Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, wrote in an e-mail. “Short work helped a lot.”

Many larger German companies also resorted to short work. Siemens, which at one point had 19,000 German employees on reduced hours, said last week that all were back working full time again. Siemens has 128,000 employees.

It may even turn out that short work improved German competitiveness by encouraging workers to use the free time to improve their skills.

Gabrieli Kiesel, quality expert at a Siemens plant in Erlangen, Germany, that makes factory automation equipment, used the extra day off each week to qualify as a meister, or master, in his specialty. He said he could live with the reduced pay, which amounted to 85 percent of his previous wages for a four-day week.

“All in all, short work was a very good solution for me,” Mr. Kiesel, 33, said. “Without it I would have been more fearful about losing my job.” ”

The chart below shows the comparison of monthly unemployment rates between U.S. and Germany since January 2005 thru June 2010:

Click to Enlarge


Source:, BLS

In addition to the unique short-work program, other factors such as strict immigration policies have resulted in keeping the majority of workers employed in Germany. For example, in the last few years lesser than 700 qualified foreigners have made Germany their home. From an article in Der Speigel:

“As with similar debates in the past, however, the call for an increase in the number of qualified immigrants coming to Germany has been met with resistance. On Tuesday, a spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel said the chancellor does not currently see a need for a change in the laws currently governing immigration to Germany.

Furthermore, Frank-Jürgen Weise, who heads up the country’s unemployment office, the Federal Employment Agency, said that, instead of bringing in more foreigners, one should focus on domestic workers. “The existing potential in the country should be used first,” he told the Financial Times Deutschland. “We cannot allow a situation wherein people are jobless just because their talents are not being used properly.”

The current back-and-forth is just the most recent manifestation of a debate that has periodically flared up in Germany over the last decade. In 2000, the center-left government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder introduced a “green card” system in an effort to streamline the immigration of IT specialists. Despite the need for computer experts, however, opposition to the plan was intense, with Jürgen Rüttgers, then campaigning to become the governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, coining the phrase “Kinder statt Inder” — “children instead of Indians” — to indicate his preference for training Germans rather than opening up the borders to foreigners.” (emphasis added)

In contrast to Germany, despite the millions of Americans currently unemployed, the U.S. allowed the entry of 85,000 foreigners under the controversial H1-B visa program for skilled workers in 2009. This included 65,000 visas, the maximum allowed under the general category and 20,000 under the “advanced degree” exemption category. As early as December last year the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services received enough petitions to fill the same quota for the fiscal year 2010. The agency has also received some 26,000 petitions till last month towards the fiscal year 2011 general quota. In the “unskilled” category occupations, American workers have to compete not only with other Americans but also with the millions of illegals in this country. Commenting on the broken immigration system, President Obama states on his website:

“In the end, our broken immigration system affects more than a single community; it affects our entire country. And as we continue to strengthen our economy and jump-start job creation, we need to do so with an immigration system that works, not the broken system we have now.”

It is about time that this administration take a hard look at our immigration policies and implements comprehensive reforms to put American back on the right track.

Related articles:
Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers
The German Unemployment Story is Better than the NYT Suggests
U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

Ten British Stocks Paying More Than 5% Dividends

Despite the recent run up in stock prices, there are plenty of foreign stocks that have high dividend yields. The following are ten British ADR stocks in a variety of sectors that pay dividends of more than 5% as of market close August 3, 2010:

1. Company: BT Group PLC (BT)
Current Dividend Yield: 5.85%

2. Company: British American Tobacco PLC (BTI)
Sector: Tobacco
Current Dividend Yield: 6.26%

3. Company: Vodafone Group Plc (VOD)
Sector: Telecom
Current Dividend Yield: 7.27%

4. Company: National Grid Plc (NGG)
Sector: Electric Utilities
Current Dividend Yield: 8.46%

5. Company: Aviva Plc (AV)
Sector: Life Insurance
Current Dividend Yield: 7.15%

6. Company: GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK)
Sector: Drugs
Current Dividend Yield: 5.08%

7. Company: J Sainsbury PLC (OTC: JSAIY)
Sector: Grocery Retail
Current Dividend Yield: 5.66%

8. Company: BAE Systems PLC (OTC: BAESY)
Sector: Aerospace & Defense
Current Dividend Yield: 5.54%

9. Company: Centrica Plc (OTC: CPYYY)
Sector: Natural Gas Utilities
Current Dividend Yield: 5.49%

10. Company: United Utilities Plc (OTC: UUGRY)
Sector: Water Utilities
Current Dividend Yield: 7.14%

U.S. Falls Behind in Clean Energy Investment

It is well known that the Chinese are investing heavily in infrastructure than most other countries.This is understandable as the infrastructure in the country was poor before and they have to be upgraded to world-class standards. However the Chinese are not just investing in road, rail networks, airports, dams, etc. They are also focusing on the development and implementation of next generation technologies related to renewable energy such as wind power and solar power.

An article in the Bloomberg BusinessWeek notes that China is beating the U.S. in terms of private investment in clean energy as the chart shows below:

Click to Enlarge


“The deployment rate of renewable energy projects in America is withering,” said Andy Karsner, CEO of Manifest Energy and a former Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy during the George W. Bush Administration. “Projects announcements are happening, but largely at the end of a federal check.” It is sad that the country consuming the largest amount of fossil fuels is unable to embrace green technologies which can not only save the environment but also offer much-needed economic activity including the creation of jobs.

Some of the major wind power companies in the world are:

1. Vestas Wind Systems (OTC: VWDRY)

2. GE Energy (GE)
United States

3. Gamesa (OTC: GCTAF)

4. Enercon

5. Suzlon

6. Siemens (SI)

7. Nordex  (NRDXF)

8. Veolia Environment (VE)

Some of the US-based solar energy firms include:

1. First Solar, Inc (FSLR)
2. SunPower Corporation (SPWRA)
3. STR Holdings, Inc (STRI)

Investors can also gain exposure to renewable energy stocks via ETFs, a few of which are listed below:

  1. iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index Fund (ICLN)
  2. PowerShares Global Clean Energy Portfolio (PBD)
  3. Market Vectors Solar Energy ETF (KWT)
  4. First Trust ISE Global Wind Energy ETF (FAN)
  5. PowerShares Global Wind Energy Portfolio (PWND)