Top 15 Countries With Highest Military Expenditures

Emerging countries such as Brazil, India, China and Turkey are among the world’s top military spenders. Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE also spend heavily on military since they can afford it. However it is questionable if they really need all the expensive military toys they buy from western defense contractors.

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Worlds Largest Military Spenders

Source: Sputnik News


Knowledge is Power: Interest Rate Hikes, Pink Slips, Emerging Markets Edition

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Punta Cana Beach, Dominican Republic

Periodic Table Of Investment Returns: Emerging Markets 2005 To 2014

Last week I posted the Periodic Table Of Investment Returns for Developed Markets. In this post, lets take a look at the chart for emerging markets from 2005 to 2014.

Click to enlarge

Period Table of Investment Returns-Emerging Markets


Brazil has been a poorly performing emerging market since 2010. Unlike China and India, the country is blessed with natural resources and has plenty of potential. But as a democratic country, corruption and lack of political vision continue to prevent the country from realizing it full economic potential.

Source: Henderson Global Investors