The China Bull Is Back

Just a few months ago the Chinese equity market plunged dramatically almost overnight. Global markets followed suit as fears of a collapse in China’s economy and equity markets would lead the world into a depression. Stocks of developed world companies which have nothing to China were also trashed during the selloff.

However a recent Journal article told us that Chinese stocks have entered a bull market. From going to a complete and utter disaster Chinese stocks are roaring again. To be sure, the bull market means that stocks have recovered by at least 20% from the troughs reached during the crash.

From the Journal article:

China entered a bull market Thursday, a surprising milestone after a volatile summer wiped out trillions of dollars in value from mainland equities and rattled global markets.

The Shanghai Composite Index has gained 20.3% since Aug. 26, the bottom of the summer selloff. A bull market is defined as a rise of 20% from a recent low.

The benchmark finished up 1.8% at 3522.82 on Thursday, bringing its year-to-date gains to 8.9%, but it is still down 32% from its 2015 high reached on June 12.

China’s smaller Shenzhen Composite Index and a gauge of China’s volatile startup shares have rallied 32% and 43%, respectively, from their recent lows on Sept. 15. On Thursday, the Shenzhen Composite closed up 0.2% at 2093.47, while the ChiNext Price Index slipped 0.8% to 2564.72. The Shenzhen market has gained 48% this year, while the ChiNext is up 74%.

Investors have gradually returned to the market after the summer selloff, which Beijing scrambled to stem. Trading volumes have reached their highest level since mid-August and Chinese investors are borrowing from their brokerages again to buy stocks.

Click to enlarge

China Market Stats

Margin loans have climbed to their highest level in roughly two months after dropping sharply in the throes of the rout, but are still down roughly 54% from a June 18 peak of 2.27 trillion yuan ($358 billion), according to Wind Information Co. On Wednesday, margin loans totaled 1.05 trillion yuan.

Global stocks have also been rebounding from a tumble in August, when China devalued its yuan in a surprise move that raised doubts about Beijing’s ability to transition the world’s second-largest economy to a more market-oriented system. The MSCI World Index has risen almost 11% since late September.

Chinese officials dug deep into their playbook for ways to stabilize domestic markets, including pumping money into state-backed funds that bought blue-chip stocks and cracking down on short sellers and suspending initial public offerings. They even pledged to keep buying stocks until the Shanghai Composite Index reached 4500—a goal still roughly 1,000 points away.

Source: Rebounding Chinese Shares Enter a Bull Market, WSJ, Nov 5, 2015

Before an investor jumps into this bull market here are a few points to remember:

  1. The majority of investors in China are domestic retail investors – not foreign investors. These local investors are not in for the long haul and consider the equities a quick way to get rich. So violent moves on the upside and downside should be expected.
  2. Unlike Brazil and India, foreign investors are not the main shareholders in Chinese stocks due to various state restrictions.
  3. As an emerging country, the Chinese stock market is a classic follower of boom and bust cycles. The market has crashed many times in the past only to rebound sharply. So one should expect falls of 50% of more quickly anytime.
  4. The relationship between economic performance and equity markets is very weak. Hence even when the economy is growing slowly stocks can soar for any number of reasons. This is what has happened in China. Though the economy has not grown sharply in just a few months, stocks have entered a bull market.
  5. Unlike other countries, China follows a unique political and economic model. As a communist country at least politically, the communist party runs the country and can impose arbitrary rules on the functioning of the markets. Since the majority are local average retail investors, the party may not allow the market to plunge by 99% for example to prevent social uprisings. During the recent state intervention all forms of silly rules were enacted including the complete suspension of trading certain stocks.
  6. The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 3,590.03 on Friday. In August it reached as low as 2,927 and in June it peaked at 5,166. Stocks shot up to the moon from starting the year at 3,350 levels only to start the plunge after the peak in June. Now they are back in bull market mode. This one year performance of the index shows the extreme volatility of the Chinese equity market.
  7. Over 50% of the Chinese exchange-listed ADRs trading on the US markets are at below $10 a share. Many of these stocks were priced at at least $10 or more when they had their IPOs a few years ago. This shows that diving into Chinese IPOs is another worst idea for overseas investors. Some of the Chinese stocks have completely disappeared from US markets due to delisting or reverse mergers.

So in summary, though Chinese stocks have entered a bull market investors have to very cautious investing in China.

RelatedThe Full List of Chinese ADRs

Knowledge is Power: Happy People, Diversification Challenges, Roth Conversion Edition


Should Investors Simply Stick With U.S. Stocks?

The S&P 500 is up by 2.11% year-to-date. Compared to this low return, many European indices have double digit returns so far this year.For example, the STOXX 600 is up by 11% and the CAC 40 has increased by nearly 16%.

However over the past few years US equities have greatly outperformed European and other global equities as shown in the chart below:

Click to enlarge

Global Stocks Returns Comparison

Note: The chart is based on MSCI Index returns in British Pound terms

Source: US equities: the best house on a bad street, Money Observer

The US equity market has performed extremely well due to many reasons including: the strength of the dollar, strong earnings, economics stability at home, stock buybacks, etc.

The rally in US stocks may not continue in the future. Even if US stocks do not outperform, European stocks especially have plenty of favorable factors to beat US equities. Some of the reasons to consider adding foreign developed equities to a diversified portfolio are:

  • Since European and other developed stocks have lagged US stocks they are more likely to play catch up and hence have room to grow. Moreover the best time to buy stocks is when they are cheap and valuations are low.
  • Dividend yields are generally higher overseas relative to the low 2% yield for the S&P 500.
  • Certain sectors of the US market such as utilities and transportation are lagging this year.This does not bode well.
  • Ultra-low interest rates have helped US firms engage in buyback binges of their own stocks and take on huge debt loads as well. When interest rates rise this party may not continue.

A Look At The Year-to-Date Returns Of Exchange-listed Latin American ADRs

The following table shows the year-to-date returns of Latin American ADRs listed on the US exchanges:

S.No.CompanyTickerStock Price as of Nov 2, 2015Year-T0-Date Change (%)IndustryCountry
1Pampa EnergiaPAM$24.44143.91%ElectricityArgentina
2Controladora Vuela Compania de Aviacion S.A.B. de C.V. - VolarisVLRS$17.3091.80%Travel & LeisureMéxico
4IRSA PROPIEDADES COMERCIALES S AIRCP$38.7080.00%Real Estate Inv&ServArgentina
5Transportadora de Gas del SurTGS$6.1776.29%Oil & Gas ProducersArgentina
6BBVA Banco FrancesBFR$22.8465.63%BanksArgentina
7Grupo Financiero GaliciaGGAL$25.9363.18%BanksArgentina
8GRUMA - B SharesGMK$60.0044.16%Food ProducersMéxico
9Grupo Aeroportuario del PacificoPAC$90.5243.23%IndustrialTransport.México
10Banco MacroBMA$60.8839.22%BanksArgentina
11Embotelladora Andina - B SharesAKO.B$22.1030.00%BeveragesChile
12Compania Cervecerias UnidasCCU$23.8528.57%BeveragesChile
13Petrobras Argentina S.A.PZE$6.3528.54%Oil & Gas ProducersArgentina
14CresudCRESY$12.9528.34%Food ProducersArgentina
15Grupo Aeroportuario del SuresteASR$154.8917.48%IndustrialTransport.México
16IRSA Inversiones y RepresentacionesIRS$17.9516.79%Real Estate Inv&ServArgentina
17Grupo Aeroportuario (OMA)OMAB$41.8015.02%IndustrialTransport.México
18Fibria CeluloseFBR$13.7813.60%Forestry & PaperBrazil
19Fomento Economico MexicanoFMX$97.7911.09%BeveragesMéxico
20Industrias BachocoIBA$54.9910.24%Food ProducersMéxico
21Telecom ArgentinaTEO$19.892.79%Mobile Telecom.Argentina
22BrasilAgroLND$2.90-2.36%Real Estate Inv&ServBrazil
23Banco Santander ChileBSAC$19.15-2.89%BanksChile
24Nortel InvesoraNTL$19.59-6.67%Mobile Telecom.Argentina
25Banco de ChileBCH$63.70-7.60%BanksChile
27Coca-Cola Femsa - L SharesKOF$77.73-10.16%BeveragesMéxico
28Vina Concha y ToroVCO$33.45-11.44%BeveragesChile
29Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras-EletrobrasEBR.B$2.53-11.85%ElectricityBrazil
31Santander MexicoBSMX$9.05-12.64%Financial ServicesMéxico
32Grupo TelevisaTV$29.68-12.86%MediaMéxico
33CencosudCNCO$6.63-13.78%Food &Drug RetailersChile
36Endesa-Empresa Nacional de ElectricidadEOC$37.66-15.82%ElectricityChile
37Grupo Simec - B SharesSIM$8.31-15.89%Indust.Metals&MiningMéxico
39Soc. Quimica y Minera de ChileSQM$19.57-18.05%ChemicalsChile
41YPFYPF$21.60-18.40%Oil & Gas ProducersArgentina
42EmbraerERJ$29.90-18.88%Aerospace & DefenseBrazil
43America MovilAMX$17.76-19.93%Mobile Telecom.México
44AMBEV S.AABEV$4.95-20.42%BeveragesBrazil
45America Movil - Series AAMOV$17.50-20.89%Mobile Telecom.México
46Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores S.A.AVAL$8.12-21.85%Financial ServicesColombia
47Cementos Pacasmayo SAACPAC$6.78-22.34%Construct.&MaterialsPeru
49Banco Santander BrasilBSBR$3.61-28.09%BanksBrazil
50Bancolombia - PrefCIB$34.15-28.68%BanksColombia
52Petroleo Brasileiro-PetrobrasPBR$5.02-31.23%Oil & Gas ProducersBrazil
53BRF S.A.BRFS$15.34-34.30%Food ProducersBrazil
54Compania de Minas BuenaventuraBVN$6.28-34.31%MiningPeru
56Comp. Paranaense de Energia-COPELELP$8.48-35.61%ElectricityBrazil
57CPFL EnergiaCPL$8.10-38.40%ElectricityBrazil
58Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras-EletrobrasEBR$1.30-39.25%ElectricityBrazil
59Companhia Siderurgica Nacional-CSNSID$1.25-39.90%Indust.Metals&MiningBrazil
60Itau UnibancoITUB$7.10-39.98%BanksBrazil
61Telefonica BrasilVIV$10.46-40.84%Fixed Line Telecom.Brazil
62Banco BradescoBBDO$6.31-41.41%BanksBrazil
63EcopetrolEC$9.70-43.34%Oil & Gas ProducersColombia
65Banco BradescoBBD$5.53-50.36%BanksBrazil
66TIM ParticipacoesTSU$10.86-51.10%Mobile Telecom.Brazil
67Latam Airlines GroupLFL$5.64-52.92%Travel & LeisureChile
69Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais-CEMIGCIG$1.94-60.97%ElectricityBrazil
70Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao-CBDCBD$13.64-62.96%Food &Drug RetailersBrazil
71Avianca Holdings S.A.AVH$4.18-64.36%Travel & LeisureColombia
72Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais-CEMIGCIG$1.76-67.10%ElectricityBrazil
73Grana y Montero S.A.A.GRAM$3.96-68.67%Construct.&MaterialsPeru
75OiOIBR$0.85-74.63%Fixed Line Telecom.Brazil
76GolGOL$0.88-84.70%Travel & LeisureBrazil

Source: BNY Mellon

A few observations:

  • Pampa Energia(PAM) of Argentina has shot up by nearly 144% so far this year. All Argentina ADRs are on fire this year due to the most likely change in the country’s leadership.
  • Among the Latin American airlines, Mexico-based Volaris(VLRS) has performed very well.
  • Bancolombia(CIB) has recovered strongly from the lows reached during the September selloff but is still off about 29% year-to-date. The bank is an excellent way to gain exposure to Colombia.
  • Brazilian stocks are some of the worst performers. Former high-fliers such as Petrobras and SABESP are trading in the low single digits.